Climate and Weather in Costa Rica – The Facts

Climate and Weather in Costa Rica – The Facts

  • Costa Rica Resort and Estate Properties S.R.L.
  • 10/16/23
Costa Rica is famous for its lush tropical rainforests and stunning beaches – but did you know that its climate is also extraordinary? Costa Rica lies in the middle of Central America and is home to a diverse range of climates, from dry and arid to humid and tropical.
Situated between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south, Costa Rica is located in an area prone to wetter climates due to its proximity to both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The terrain features numerous mountain ranges, which also contribute to varying temperatures throughout different regions in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s Climate

Costa Rica is situated in the tropics, but its climate is surprisingly varied. This is due to its location between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the influence of the North and South Equatorial currents, and its varied topography. As a result, temperatures range from the warmest in the central plains near San José to the coldest in the highlands of the Cordillera de Talamanca.
The climate of Costa Rica can be divided into two seasons. The dry season runs from December to April and is characterized by little precipitation and high temperatures. The wet season runs from May to November and brings with it pleasant rain with periodic morning and afternoon showers with nightly thunderstorms.
The rainy season has cooler temperatures. In the southern parts of the country, the wet season can last longer. In northern Guanacaste, the rainy season is shorter, beginning in late April and ending in October, with minimal measurable rain in November. September and October are consistently rainy months. Locals like to say that you can golf almost every day during the rainy season with a morning tee-off.
Costa Rica is renowned for its biodiversity, and its climate plays a vital role in this. The country lies within the Tropical Rainforest Biome, the world’s most diverse and productive ecosystem. This biome is characterized by its warm temperatures and high levels of precipitation.
The country is also a haven for wildlife, with many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals living in the country. These creatures are adapted to the various climates found in Costa Rica, making this a truly fascinating place to explore.

Temperature and Humidity

Robert Davey, the broker at Costa Rica Christie’s, likes to say that “Coastal Costa Rica is triple 85’s, 85-degree average air temperature, 85-degree average ocean temperature and 85-degree average pool temperature without a heater.
With average temperatures ranging from 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, Costa Rica’sclimate is considered tropical. While most of the country experiences a dry season, certain parts of Costa Rica can experience wet weather. On the Caribbean side of the country, rainfall is highest during the months of November through January, while the Pacific side of Costa Rica experiences the heaviest rainfall during September and October.
Costa Rica is also known for its low humidity levels. In fact, the average humidity levels range from 40 to 85 percent, making it an ideal destination for those looking to escape the cold weather of their home countries.
Additionally, the Costa Rican climate is known for its hot but mild summers, with temperatures rarely exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is highest in the coastal and lowland regions, with the driest parts of the country being in the Central Valley and highlands.
Costa Rica has its own regional microclimates, with some areas enjoying a more temperate climate than others. For instance, the Caribbean coast benefits from the cool ocean breeze and has an average temperature of 26°C. In contrast, the Pacific coast has much warmer temperatures, with an average of 28°C.
The temperature in Costa Rica also varies with altitude, with the higher regions of the country being cooler than the coastal areas. The highlands are often several degrees cooler than the rest of the country, so if you’re looking for a cooler climate, head for the hills!

Rainfall and Seasons

The rainy season in Costa Rica is often dreaded by those planning a vacation in Costa Rica, but the truth is that it isn’t as wet as one might think. Contrary to popular belief, much of the country experiences mild rainfall patterns, and temperatures remain relatively stable throughout the year. While it’s true that some areas will suffer from more extreme weather conditions than others, overall, Costa Rica offers a pleasant climate that can be enjoyed year-round.
During the rainy season, the country gets an average of about 140 mm of rain a month. That’s a far cry from the average of 600mm of rain a month from June to October in the United Kingdom.
From mid-May to mid-July, the country sees what’s called the “green season,” when the country gets more rain than usual, and the vegetation is especially green and lush. This is a great time to visit Costa Rica and take advantage of the lushness without having to deal with too much rain.
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From mid-July to late October, Costa Rica sees what’s called the “dry season.” During the driest months, the country gets much less rain, with an average of only 30 mm of rain a month. This is a great time to visit Costa Rica and take advantage of the sunny weather and warm temperatures without worrying about rain.
It’s important to note that the rainy season in Costa Rica is not a true monsoon. Instead, it’s more of a prolonged period of wet weather with periods of intermittent rain. Despite the fact that it is the rainy season, Costa Rica is known for its sunny days that offer locals and tourists alike plenty of opportunity to explore and enjoy the beauty of the country. Just grab your rain jacket, and you’re good to go! The sun is often out, and the air is filled with the pleasant scent of tropical flowers.
When the rain does come, it tends to be in the form of light showers that often last for a few hours. It’s not uncommon for rain to start in the afternoon and then clear up in the evening. This allows residents and travelers to participate in some of the activities that Costa Rica is famous for, such as hiking, surfing, and horseback riding.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Natural Disasters in Costa Rica

Natural disasters are a scary and unpredictable force of nature. Still, when it comes to Costa Rica, there is no need for alarm. Costa Rica is blessed with many geographic advantages that minimize its risk from both hurricanes and earthquakes. It is located between two oceans and surrounded by volcanoes that protect it from most hurricane formations. Furthermore, the country’s tropical climate and mountainous terrain help dissipate the energy from tropical storms.
Due to its location at the junction of three tectonic plates, only minor tremors occur throughout the country – nothing close to what you would experience in more seismically active areas like California or Japan. The country has strict building codes based on California’s stringent structural codes. However, since most earthquakes are of low intensity in Costa Rica, all construction is designed and approved to withstand them. This fact has been proven with earthquakes many times.
Additionally, the government of Costa Rica has taken the initiative to create different programs in order to better prepare for natural disasters. For example, the government has created a National Emergency Committee that is responsible for evaluating and responding to any disasters that may occur. All regions of the country have a local emergency committee responsible for executing evacuation plans and assisting those affected.
This system is based on seismic activity and is monitored by the National Emergency Commission (CNE). If a potential disaster is detected, the CNE will issue warnings over the radio, TV, and social media, as well as send out notifications to mobile phones. This ensures that everyone is prepared and can take necessary precautions.
Costa Rica has a highly developed infrastructure that helps minimize the risks associated with natural disasters. The country has a well-developed road network that allows for rapid evacuation of affected areas. Additionally, it has developed sophisticated water supply and power systems that are designed to survive any potential natural disasters.

Costa Rica Takes Climate Change Seriously

The Costa Rican government is serious about tackling climate change and has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint. Costa Rica is a leader in the global fight against climate change, having been the first country to ratify the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. As one of the most environmentally conscious nations in the world, Costa Rican government officials have made it their mission to reduce emissions and increase sustainability efforts.
The country is a leader in renewable energy, with 98% of its power generated from renewable sources such as hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, and wind. Costa Rica has an ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and the government has set targets to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector.
Costa Rica is also committed to reducing its deforestation rates and has established a national policy to do so. It is the first tropical country in the world to have reversed deforestation and is investing heavily in reforestation and conservation efforts. Costa Rica is also taking steps to prevent the destruction of its biodiversity, for example, through its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
The nation also encourages citizens to minimize their individual carbon footprint by reducing consumption and waste production through sustainable practices like composting and recycling.
The Costa Rican government has also implemented a number of measures to protect its citizens from the effects of climate change. These measures include the adoption of building codes to make buildings more resilient to extreme weather events; the establishment of early-warning systems to alert the public of potential natural disasters; and the implementation of water conservation efforts to reduce the amount of water used for agriculture.

You’ll Love the Weather in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a unique country in Central America that offers a variety of climates and weather conditions. Whether you’re an adventurous traveler, an outdoor enthusiast, or just looking for a place to relax, you’ll love the climate and weather in Costa Rica and never regret your decision to move here.
Furthermore, if you choose to purchase a home in one of the poshest residential gated communities in Tamarindo, Marina Flamingo, you’ll like the rainy afternoons due to the high level of comfort and the surrounding natural beauty.
From sunny days to balmy nights, you’ll love the climate in this beautiful country. During dry weather, there will be plenty of sunshine, while the humid weather delights with lush green landscapes. With its temperate climate, Costa Rica is the perfect place to escape the cold winter months and enjoy the warm sunshine year-round.
Furthermore, the temperature in Costa Rica never drops below 60 degrees, making it an ideal place to enjoy all of the outdoor activities on offer, especially in the coastal region of the country.
So, if you’re looking for a warm and beautiful destination to call home, then investing in Costa Rica real estate is definitely for you! And if a beach town is what you have in mind, look no further than Tamarindo and its Marina Flamingo!

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